Summer Unlimited class make-ups
Summer 2023 NGC will be offering UNLIMITED class make-ups for your athlete! Each week on Friday at 1pm, a sign up email will be sent to each enrolled family. Families can then sign up their athlete for a different class for the coming week, or an additional class if they missed the previous week! Athletes MUST pre-register for a make-up using the emailed sign-up, they will not be accepted on a walk-in basis. Please email if you have any questions: Elizabeth@northfieldgymnastics.com
General NGC Policies
Arrival and Pick-up: Be sure your student arrives 5-10 minutes before (no earlier please) his/her scheduled class time. Please pick up your student on time. Please inform us if you know you will be late picking up your student. During peak times the parking lot is crowded. Please take into consideration that our students may include young children. Please drive slowly and carefully. Do not take a chance on your student running to and from your car.
Behavior: Our staff will do their best to redirect students who are acting out or behaving inappropriately during class. However, if the behavior of any child is affecting the safety of another individual including the coach, the child will be removed from class and the parent will be contacted and asked to pick the child up.
Missed Classes: NGC provides one open gym pass as a make-up for a missed class each session. If you would rather schedule a make-up class for your athlete, please email Elizabeth@Northfieldgymnastics.com. There are no refunds or credits given for missed classes.
Refunds/Credit on Account: Refunds are given if athletes leave a class prior to the start date of the session. If dropping a class during the session, there will be a $30 drop fee assessed and a credit on your account will be provided (no refund).
Returned Checks: A $30 fee will be added for all returned checks. This is what we are charged from our processor.
Spectators: There is limited seating in our viewing area and standing room on our upper level balcony. We LOVE that you want to watch your athlete!
Class Cancellations: We will announce weather related cancellations via a post on our Facebook page, as well as an email blast to families participating on those days. For all other cancellations we will email families that it affects, if cancellation is within an hour of start time, each family will receive a phone call and voicemail if there is not an answer. If NGC cancels a class, you may email Elizabeth@Northfieldgymnastics.com to schedule a make-up class. Credit will not be provided, if a scheduled make-up day/time does not work, your athlete can receive an open gym pass.
What to bring: We highly recommend bringing your own water bottle. We have a filler station in the lobby at the main gym.
What to wear: Boys or Girls may wear tucked in T-shirts and shorts OR leotards for girls. NO chewing gum or dangling jewelry. Hair should be pulled neatly and securely away from the face so that it stays up for the entire workout. We prefer students to go barefoot during class to prevent slipping on the equipment. Personal items should be left in your designated area. Jewelry should not be worn during classes. PLEASE LEAVE JEWELRY ARTICLES/FITNESS WATCHES AT HOME. This facility’s staff will not be responsible for ANY items that may be lost or stolen. Be sure your student’s personal items are marked with their name.
Year-Round Class Policies
Enrollment in Our Year-Round Program
- Students can enroll at any time in classes that have space. If you begin mid-month, tuition due upon enrollment will be the next month plus the pro-rated amount of the current month.
- NGC maintains a waitlist for year-round classes by filling out our waitlist google form. When your athlete's name comes up for a spot, families have 24 hours to accept the spot before the next in line will be contacted. Athletes MUST be in the current level listed on the waitlist form to be accepted.
- Enrollment starts in May every year for classes to begin in June.
- Existing & enrolled year-round families will get priority registration each year.
Payment Policies
- Tuition price on a year-round program with a monthly tuition based on an average of four weeks per month. (If there are five weeks in a month, tuition is not increased, if there are 3 or less weeks in a month credit is not given.)
- First month’s tuition or the year in full is due upon enrollment.
- Tuition must be paid fully online through ENGAGE.
- Classes are billed on the 5th of each month for the following month
- Register carefully, Once a family is billed for a month, there are NO REFUNDS.
- NGC Credit will be given if classes are dropped after full year payment is made.
- A 30 day written notice to mark@northfieldgymnastics.com is required for dropped class during the year. When received, families will be sent an end date for their class.
- If your auto payment is declined, you will have 5 days to make the monthly payment, after 5 days you will be charged a $50 late fee. After 10 days of non-payment, NGC considers your account delinquent and will un-enroll your athlete from the class.
Make Ups
- We allow 1 makeup class per month which must be scheduled in advance.
- Makeups are not guaranteed and are based on availability.
- Students may also attend any open gym as a makeup once per month.
- Contact the Elizabeth@Northfieldgymnastics.com to schedule your makeup
- Missed classes expire 4 weeks after the missed class date or immediately upon un-enrollment.
If the gym has to close due to weather, you can schedule a makeup class by emailing Elizabeth@Northfieldgymnastics.com (which does not count against our 1 makeup per month policy.)