
2022 Off-Season Practices

NGC is excited to have our HS athletes in the gym during the off-season!  Practice days/times and options for the 2022 off-season (which begins February 21) is below!  If you have any questions you can reach out the Mark or Krystal via email.  Mark@Northfieldgymnastics.com or Krystal@Northfieldgymnastics.com

Practice Days

Mondays 6:00-9:00pm

Tuesdays 6:00-9:00pm

Thursdays 6:00-9:00pm

Payment Options

For the 2022 season, practices may be purchased monthly (either by 6 or 9-hour/week options) or by using a punch card (purchased in 5 practice increments).

5-Practice Punch Card:  $100 *May be purchased multiple times throughout off-season)

March Practices (Feb 21-April 2)

6 hours/week(2 practice days/week):  $216

9 hours/week (3 practice days/week):  $324

April Practices (April 4-30)

6 hours/week (2 practice days/week):  $144

9 hours/week (3 practice days/week):  $216

May Practices (May 2-June 3)

6 hours/week (2 practice days/week):  $180

9 hours/week (3 practice days/week):  $252